The Welcome to Science Initiative
The Welcome to Science Initiative is a collaborative effort of a group of educators, activists, scientists, families and community members who challenge kids to rethink what science can do, and reimagine what they can do with science.
The Welcome to Science Initiative works on the ground in homes, schools, the Museum and all the places in between. This community-wide approach builds relationships with the people who matter to kids, creating the conditions that inspire kids to learn more about STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math/Medicine). The goal is to create educational experiences that extend far beyond the classroom—to wherever kids are, whenever curiosity strikes.
Identity Development
After the initial honeymoon phase with a new brand identity, many organizations see a proliferation of well-intended sub-identities to reflect various initiatives that don’t always share a common visual language with each other—or the overarching brand. This was most certainly true for MSI. Many departments wanted their own sub-brand, but the organization’s brand guidelines didn’t provide any framework for their creation or maintenance. As a result, creating an identity for The Welcome to Science Initiative was not just about typesetting a basic wordmark—it was ultimately a more comprehensive project to refresh the overall Museum brand and create a framework for a myriad of programs and initiatives.
Each sub-brand was given a wordmark and gradient color scheme. Whenever possible, similar sub-brands shared common colors, so their gradients became a progression from one program to another. A space-usage template was created to provide more consistency for print pieces, ensuring each sub-brand had key elements like the program name and the MSI logo appearing in the same place. The hexagonal pattern and image containers also tied various elements together and referenced the Museum’s parent identity.
Welcome to Science Brochure, Manifesto/Poster and Notebook
Welcome to Science Brochure Spread
Folded Welcome to Science Manifesto/Poster
Unfolded Welcome to Science Manifesto/Poster